3 Things to Tell Yourself Everyday When You Wake Up

Richard Smith
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.”

Denis Waitley

As the primary designer of your life, you need to ensure that you use one of the finest instruments: your voice. That inner voice will help you develop a plan and block out the external views of negative people and naysayers. Your voice can raise morale, as well as help you overcome and grow from challenges as they happen.

Be frank to yourself. Does your voice join the chorus of questioning negatives? If the answer is yes, then you will need to reconfigure your thinking process by asking yourself these three things for the rest of your life today — and every day.

1. Start Right Away –

Procrastination is swift sand. If left to its own devices, a quagmire of crippling indecision will pull you into that. You would render an excuse after excuse, which will ultimately foreclose your vision. If you are continuously telling yourself that it is fine to do nothing in life, then nothing is going to be what you are achieving. Instead, let your inner voice motivate you from dawn till dusk, and commit your vision fiercely with a sense of urgency. Keep in mind, the correlation between could and did stay in planning and action. To become your own most significant captain and push for change. Do not even take no for an answer, particularly for yourself.

2. Believe that you deserve everything that you want –

It is always a question of why people don’t earn their absolute best when they crumble their vision, or who seems to give up chances for personal growth or change. Are you amongst those who settle for anything less than the greatness about what you have dreamt, you need to get off the way and leave the comfort zone. Whatever might be your desire to achieve. Whether you are considering a change of career that you have always desired or whether it is about completing your degree, begin by realizing that you deserve a prosperous future and then grow in yourself by offering yourself everything.

3. Yes, You Can –

Fear of failure, including the reluctance after a loss to regain your positive progress, is one of the biggest challenges to achieve, and one can often overcome through motivating the inner voice. We all have concerns, but we can’t make decisions that are typically based on fear, or we will never achieve our full potential. If we let apprehension paralyze our advancement, we would build a roadmap for mediocrity and skip the precious lessons that can only be uncovered by trial and error. Ensure that your self-talk is stronger than your anxiety, and then confirm it without yielding. Overcoming fear is not an overnight process. It may allow you to use additional resources at your fingertips, such as individual therapy. Sitting on your ledge can be extremely uncomfortable, but the sense of freedom is incomparable and magnificent.

This article helps you to start the day right with 3 motivational tips that you must follow every day. Read the full article here.



Richard Smith
Richard Smith

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