5 Flossing Mistakes You Must Avoid
Brushing teeth. Do you floss? Every day?
Dental floss is designed to get the plaque out from between your teeth and in those hard-to-reach places. Leave the plaque where it is and you can develop tartar or gum disease.
But even if you floss regularly, you might be going about it in a way that actually does your teeth harm. Are you making any of these flossing mistakes?
Bad Idea 1: Floss before brushing.
The best oral hygiene routine is to brush, then floss, then rinse. If you floss first, you may actually push additional bacteria into the spaces between your teeth. Then, when you rinse after flossing, you can help to rinse away any particles that may have been loosened in your mouth by flossing.
Bad Idea 2: Floss in the morning.
Actually, flossing should be a part of your evening oral hygiene routine. This helps to ensure that you get an entire night’s rest for your mouth to fight off tooth-decay-causing bacteria. Flossing in the morning is not necessary. Once a day is enough.
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