5 Incredible Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair, Skin & Health

Richard Smith
3 min readFeb 17, 2020


“Aloe Vera isn’t just for sunburns — it’s a plant full of nutrients and vitamins that may help fight cold and other common ailments.”

Aloe vera may turn out to be our favorite plant. This green plant has dense, rigid leaves shooting upwards and rimmed with tiny white teeth. And, in the summer, at the top of every leafy spike, the aloe vera plant blooms into flowers.

If you had never seen an aloe vera plant before, you might think that it is a Paleolithic-era refugee who shoots poison when provoked. But aloe vera is a friendly plant despite its prickly exterior. It’s just so lovely, and it has some unexpected advantages:

1. Alkaline Effect:

You might already know that perhaps a body with an acidic pH is more prone to disease, so maintaining an alkaline pH is vital. This is where drinking aloe vera juice begins. Its alkaline effect helps to balance your body and combats inflammation, colds, and many other problems.

2. Prevents Acid Reflux:

If you are suffering from acid reflux, you know that chalky, short-lived chewable, or medications with side effects would be your choice as a priority. Drinking Aloe vera juice would be a turning point for you: it has been proven to be a safe and efficient medication to alleviate the effects of acid reflux.

3. Sunburn Treatment:

You may have had a sunburn, or maybe you have got a great tan at some point in your life. Sunburns can be an uncomfortable reality for the rest of us, and they can wreck a holiday. Aloe vera is one of the few ways to cure sunburns effectively. It feels divine on burned skin and has essential vitamins such as B, C, and E, which helps to repair the skin itself.

4. A Natural Beauty Ingredient:

If you are brave enough, then take a look at the ingredients in your priming and remover makeup. The chances are that they are not the things that you want to apply on your face. On the other side, Aloe Vera can be used as a primer, makeup remover, moisturizer, and as a skin soother. Using e vera is much better than almost all beauty products available.

5. Contains Several Vitamins:

Aloe vera comprises 75 active ingredients, from vitamins and minerals to amino acids. That suggests consuming aloe vera could be a better alternative to taking a daily vitamin or just using it as an additional remedy.

Aloe vera is a wonder plant that is overlooked. It is wise to keep a bottle of aloe vera juice for an emergency like minor burns in your home, and it is also a good idea to start incorporating it into your diet for an extra vitamin boost. Or else you can keep this beautiful little plant in your home if you like the look of it.

This article makes you understand the 5 different benefits of Aloe Vera. Read the full article here.



Richard Smith
Richard Smith

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