Exposed Health Myths
It’s not uncommon for people to believe certain health myths. Those myths could lead to a healthy lifestyle while others just raise questions about their authenticity. Whether they are true or not, most myths will cause you to re-evaluate your own health choices.
Health Myth One: Milk Does Wonders
Dr. T. Colin Campbell PhD., a respected nutrition and health researcher, has discovered the truth about the effects of protein in our milk. According to his research in ‘The China Study,’ Dr. Campbell found that the main protein found in milk, Casein, (found in 87% of cow’s milk) “…promoted all stages of the cancer process.” Results indicated that abstaining from consuming milk and any form of animal protein halted the growth of cancerous tumors.
Health Myth Two: Herbs are the way to go!
Some herbs are great and many people think that because a product contains herbs it is harmless. However, don’t be fooled by this idea. Only recently have problems with herbs started to arise. Kava, known to reduce anxiety, has been shown to be toxic to the liver. Other herbs, such as Ginkgo Leaf Extracts, are known to cause headaches rather than improve mental clarity, or working to treat dementia and peripheral vascular disease. St John’s Wart, Echinacea, German Chamomile, and Ginkgo biloba have been reported to cause allergic reactions. It would be smart to consult your physician on natural products or supplements to see if they fit your health needs.
Health Myth Three: Constricting Calories will help weight loss
Though it is important to moderate your calorie intake, it is much more essential to watch your sugar intake. Minimizing your glucose intake will significantly aid in your weight loss battle. An excess of glucose is the major cause of fat storage. By moderating your glucose levels, weight loss will be a breeze. Make sure to also engage in weight training and moderate periods of cardio. This is an effective way to burn fat.
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