How the Raw Food Diet Helps Beats Breast Cancer Naturally
Opinions about breast cancer and a raw food diet are mixed. Oncologists say there’s no scientific evidence that shows it has therapeutic value, while naturopaths and doctors who specialize in nutrition believe it can boost breast cancer survival. In this article, let’s find out how a raw food diet can help heal cancer, including the types of foods you should eat.
It Helped Heal My Stage 3 Breast Cancer, Says Survivor
Online or offline, there are many survivor testimonials about a raw food diet and breast cancer. One of them is Janette Murray-Wakelin, who had stage 3 breast cancer. After her diagnosis in 2000, she’s now living a healthy lifestyle and participates in hundreds of marathons with her husband. She said her secret was a raw food diet and physical activity. When she first started with this diet, she ate broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beetroot, and other veggies under the Brassicaceae family for forty-two days. Then she added other foods, like carrots and apples (green).
Inspiring, right? So, what exactly is the raw food diet?
Adopting a healthier diet helps beat breast cancer or different types of breast cancer. This means a raw food diet involves eating such foods as ‘raw’ veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Other versions include dairy products, eggs, and uncooked or raw meat products. I’m not really comfortable with the idea of eating raw meat because it increases your risk for other illnesses. Supporters of this diet believe that heating food could destroy its vital anti-cancer enzymes and nutrients, such as beta-carotene, allium compounds, isothiocyanates, flavonoids, phytosterols, isoflavones, dietary fiber, and lycopene.
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