How to Stay Happy No Matter What Happens
“It is in our lowest moods when we are least equipped to do so, that we are tempted to try to solve problems or resolve issues with others.”
― Richard Carlson
Do you often feel powerless and awful? This occurs to all of us, and that is why you can either choose to plunge into that emotion or note that all emotions are fine. In this post, we will discover how to make yourself understand that things are going to be just fine, even in those times when it all feels pointless.
1. Daily workout:
The body and mind are linked to each other; they cannot be segregated at this stage of your being alive. Everything that you do for your body influences the subconscious. Get something meaningful for your body:
Exercising improves the hormone balance that keeps you happy.
Enjoy a spa and calm yourself sufficiently.
Having enough sleep is a must. Those who do not sleep end up walking around pointlessly like zombies.
2. Smiling at strangers — Make it your thumb rule:
Once you learn to be polite to those people whom you don’t know, you will be kind to yourself, too. Go and pose in front of the mirror-how does it feel? Keep a smile on your face — how does that feel? No explanation. Smile until you can!
3. Give attention and gifts to your loved ones:
Human beings are an emotional species. Our mirroring neurons will actually make us feel what someone else is currently feeling. When people around you are content, happy, thankful, then you will be too. Become yourself the creator of a good human environment — surprise your loved one with a glass of wine, a pleasant gift, a pedicure or a chore you are doing for them.
4. Take yourself on a dinner:
You can do just what you want and no need to sacrifice something when you go on a date with yourself. This technique is important for two purposes:
Encourage yourself to want something.
Practice telling yourself what you want, and offer it to yourself.
5. Human beings have emotions. Sensing what you feel is fine.
– I want to feel everything that life brings to me — said, my mate.
– All the time, I just want to feel happy and I don’t think about anything else — I replied.
Looking back on that conversation, it is like enjoying sunny days without night or rain and summers without having the winters. It is all right but a little flavorless. If you come across a situation that you do not like or experience something unusual and unpleasant, it means that you are out of your comfort zone and you are growing up!
Growing up is one of the most amazing and fulfilling experiences in life! Go ahead, and be brave! Growth will provide you with joy, and once you lower your expectations of being still satisfied, then you will see how much anxiety you have let go of.
This article tends to give you tips on how to stay happy all the time. Read the full article here.