Outbreak Of Skin Lesions Among High School Wrestlers

Richard Smith
2 min readMay 22, 2024

In 2014, research revealed an outbreak of high school wrestling skin infections. It was more like a wake-up call for all the wrestlers out there. The survey indicated that skin infections are no stranger to wrestling mats. Additionally, did you know that among wrestlers, 8.5% of all adverse events occur due to this? Yes, that’s right! And so, in this blog, we’re diving headfirst into the sweaty world of wrestling hygiene. Here, you will read how hygiene helps keep those skin lesions at bay.

What’s Causing Skin Lesions Among High School Wrestlers

Let’s cut to the chase. Wrestling skin infections can stem from a variety of sources. A study that discusses prevention’s role in reducing skin infections among high school wrestlers reveals this.

According to the study, one culprit could be a lack of hygiene. Remember skipping showers or sharing gear without proper cleaning quite often? But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Common wrestling rashes might also rear their ugly heads due to skin-to-skin contact with an infected opponent. Moreover, wrestling on dirty mats, or even wearing tight gear traps sweat and bacteria against your skin.

Hygiene Tips to Prevent Skin Lesions

Alright, wrestlers, let’s get down to brass tacks! According to an article titled ‘Skin Infections: Prevention and Disinfection’, hygiene is a must when it is about fighting skin lesions. After all, hygiene isn’t just about smelling like roses. It is among the best wrestling skin infection treatments.

Here are some tips as a wrestler you must follow:

  • Step up your game by hitting the showers pronto after every practice and match.
  • Scrub down with soap from head to toe, paying extra attention to those nooks and crannies where germs love to hide.
  • Apart from this, keep your fingernails trimmed short to prevent scratching and spreading bacteria.
  • Invest in wrestling wipes. These handy wipes are your secret weapon against germs. It gives you a quick clean when you’re in a pinch.
  • Don’t forget to wash your gear regularly — that means singlets, headgear, and yes, even your wrestling shoes.
  • Avoid sharing gear whenever possible, and if you must, sanitize it thoroughly between uses.
  • Lastly, keep an eye out for any signs of impetigo wrestling skin infections.

Most importantly, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you suspect an infection. Remember, prevention is the name of the game.

Final Words

In the gritty world of wrestling, skin lesions like wrestling staph infection are just another opponent to conquer. But armed with the right hygiene habits, you can step onto that mat with confidence, knowing that you’ve got your skin’s back. So, lather up, wipe down, and wrestle on, warriors. Your skin will thank you for it.


